Have You Read: ❛OMG! That❜s Not My Husband...❜
- Parents Only

Why isn’t that your husband? Because he’s changing nappies!
Kasey Edwards, an Australian author, has a sly sense of humour when it comes to the life of being a parent. Inspired by the famous Usborne “That’s Not My” kid’s books, Edwards took up her pen and made a parody series that gently looks at the issues many new mothers face.
Read 'Omg! That's Not My Husband' If You Need a Laugh
How did this funny series come about?
According to Edwards, her husband was the catalyst, we are unsurprised to discover. “It started out as a joke between Chris and me one night as we lay on the couch, exhausted from all the sleepless nights and stressed-out days from looking after our new daughter Violet. I can’t believe that they have turned into real-life books! They are a humorous look at common issues new mothers face, such as the inequality of domestic work and childcare…”
Take a peek at some of the pages from Warning: Mummies Only.
Not Everyone Thinks They’re So Funny
The books rose to prominence in Australia and the US after being criticised by an American man who reviewed the book last Father’s Day. Edwards told Marie Claire: “[He wrote] something about how we should be building our men up instead of dragging them down and outright refuted my insinuation that men don’t do an equal share of childcare (despite all the evidence showing the opposite). Women saw it and instead of agreeing with him, they related with the book and found it funny.”
The US man’s criticism had the opposite effect he intended, with Edwards being interview by media outlets in America and Australia and receiving great support from mums around the globe. She told Marie Claire: “I think the success of OMG! That’s Not My Husband is due to the fact that it’s calling a spade a spade. It’s showing that in many cases fathers in 2016 are 1950s husbands masquerading as egalitarian.”
That’s Not My Child
Edwards has a new book that all parents, regardless of whether they are a mother or father, are guaranteed to relate to. It’s called “Omg That’s Not My Child….He’s Sharing.” You can buy it online here. Letting you get enough night’s sleep, lasting the whole coffee date without crying…definitely can’t by any child of ours.

Motherhood is a life-changing experience, and these videos poke a lot of fun at it. Watch This: Why Mums Get Nothing Done or The Hilarious Parent Rap.
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