Woollahra Library at Double Bay 5th Birthday Colouring Competition

  • Tue May 18 - Mon Jun 07 2021
  • Kids
  • $0.00

Get the kids' creative juices flowing to help celebrate Woollahra Library at Double Bay's 5th birthday! 

Join in the celebration by collecting a colouring-in sheet designed by artist Adam Long from any of the three Libraries at Double Bay, Paddington or Watsons Bay. 

Return the colouring-in sheet to your local library and your kids will be the running to WIN an art set and $30 voucher! 

The competition is open to children from 5 to 12 years of age.

Where:    Double Bay, Paddington or Watsons Bay library
When:     Entries close 7 June 2021
Cost:       FREE

Visit the Woollahra Library website to find out about more exciting events happening at the library.

Tell them ellaslist sent you!

