Taste Test Two New Allen❜s Lollies In The 2019 Loll-ection
- Mon Jan 14 2019
- All Ages
- $0.00
If you find Australian politics boring, you might be tempted by this sweet election - brought to you by Allen's Lollies. On Monday January 14, the confectionary company will release two brand new flavours and they want YOU to pick the winner. That's right, free lollies and all you have to do is vote for your favourite!
The two sweet candidates (we can't reveal the flavours just yet) will go head-to-head in a nationwide vote to determine which will become the next Allen’s icon and land on shelves in February. If you believe in sweet, sweet democracy, go down to meet the 'candy'dates and cast your vote online!
Vote for your favourite online via allenslollies.com.au/vote.
Where: Martin Place, Section 2 – Pitt-Castlereagh Streets
When: Monday January 14, 2019, 12:30-2:30pm
Cost: Free
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