Incredible LEGO Creations & Cool Stuff You Can Make At Home!
- All Ages

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist
Lampshades, cable holders, smartphone stands...check out the awesome, handy everyday appliances you can build using just a few LEGO bricks! Your kids might just start charging by the hour if they prove to be budding little LEGO architects...
Source: MadeMyDay Youtube
Cool LEGO Creations & Innovations
Whether you think they're simple enough to have crack at at home or merely just want to ogle the creativity that LEGO enthusiasts around the world possess, we're sure you'll enjoy these incredible LEGO masterpieces and ideas:
K is For Kindergarten came up with the terrific ideas of using LEGO blocks to help little ones build words and sentences. If it's with your child's favourite toy, we're sure they won't mind a bit of homework.
Cut down on paper wastage and wrap your child's next birthday present in a gift box they'll want to keep forever!
Via Popclip
London had a temporary bus stop made entirely out of LEGO! The detail that a simple LEGO block allows for is truly amazing. We'd like to think that LEGO bus stops will be the norm one day, but we think that might be a little too out of the question...
Source: Gizmodo
It's not just kids and their parents who love LEGO.... turns out, feathered friends are fans too. If you're a real eco warrior, you could make a full on bird home with a door, windows and perhaps a little LEGO perch inside.
Via Inhabitots
Having trouble getting children to remember to wash their hands? They'll be forever reaching for the soap dispenser if you jazz it up with some LEGO blocks!
Via Simply Sara
Turn a cracked wall into a LEGO-fied one and bring bursts of colour to your home or city! It's an idea coined by artist Jan Vormann whose project 'Dispatchwork' has seen the restoration of various fences and walls in Berlin and Italy entirely with LEGO. If your home needs a bit of a revamp, your child's toy box might just hold the answer.
Bright, fresh flowers in a vase with a pop of colour. These are sure to brighten up any home, and we're confident that clever older children will be able to construct one without too much trouble.
Via Fab Art DIY
Little LEGO lovers might enjoy accessorising with LEGO jewellery. Necklaces are super simple to make, read about what you'll need and how to do it here.
Via The Long Thread
The clever people at Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls know a way to build your own LEGO fidget spinner! Your little one will never put it down. It's only made from a few simple bricks, and spins super quickly like a regular fidget spinner.
Via Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls
We have a recipe to make your own edible rainbow Unicorn slime!