Fish and Chips... But Not As You Know It!

  • All Ages

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

You won't believe what Tella Balls Dessert Bar's latest catch of the day really is...

This crunchy chip and battered fish looking meal is seriously deceptive, and is the magnificent dessert bar's latest creation, aptly named 'Tellafish and chips'. The fish fillet you see is actually shallow-fried vanilla bean ice cream with a golden Panko crumb, the chips are actually soft and doughy donuts, and the sauces are Nutella and melted white Belgian chocolate- not BBQ and aioli, as we first presumed. Tell the kids you're going out for fish and chips (which we're sure they'd be excited for regardless), and then knock their socks off with this confusing creation! We're sure they won't mind.

They seem to have done it again. We have been known to freak out over the insane and delicious creations that Tella Balls has come up with- including the ever-popular Tella Balls which are donuts filled with ooey gooey Nutella, and the aggressively-Instagrammed Tella Ball Shake, a creamy, chocolatey drink whose straw sticks through a Tella Ball placed at the top of the glass. Constantly taking desserts to the next level, we just can't wait to see what they come up with next. 

This meal is available at their Dulwich Hill and Concord stores, perfect for an extra special treat for the kids this weekend!



