Crazy Kitchen Gadgets
- Parents Only
By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist
You know that crazy looking thing-a-ma-jig that slices apples into perfect wedges. It looks a bit like a bizarre torture tool but you’ve grown to love it. Here are some other pretty nutty kitchen gadgets that you probably never even knew existed! At first glance, we wouldn’t have a clue what some of them are…
1. Peeling Oranges
Apparently, these little orange rings are meant to make peeling oranges easier. We aren’t exactly sure how they work, but we want them anyway!
Source: Amazon
Source: Amazon
2. Devil Oven Pull
Hey, it’s pretty cute! If oven mits just don’t cut it, use this little guy to get hot things out of the oven safely.
Source: Amazon
3. Carrot Sharpener
No, this isn’t just an orange coloured pencil sharpener! Make stir-fries and salads look way better with this little number.
Source: Amazon
4. Microwaving Bacon Device
We didn’t even know you could microwave bacon?! Apparently, this nifty device cooks bacon perfectly in minutes – above the fat, not in it, which reduces fat up to 35%.
5. Butter Softener
This one makes sense to us! This little holey knife allows you to make spreadable butter out of a cold, hard lump. The Stupendous Splendiferous ButterUp is actually an Aussie invention and was funded via Kickstarter. It’s now available online for only $12.
Source: butterup
6. Garlic Chopper
We thought it was a sticky tape cannister! Apparently its a garlic chopper so you don’t need to get your hands smelly!
7. Strawberry Hull
This pretty gadget corks your strawberries for you, leaving behind nothing but edible sweetness.
Source: Amazon
8. Burger Moulder
This contraption moulds your patties to a perfectly uniform shape and thickness for even cooking and tender, juicy results every time. Just what we have always wanted!
Source: Williams-Sonoma
9. Herb Stripper
This little baby will have us using any excuse to put rosemary in the kids dinners!
Source: Amazon
10. Bagel Slicer
Don’t be fooled- this one isn’t a torture device. In fact, it’s a bagel lovers new best friend.
Source: Amazon
Check out some other wacky things on ellaslist!
sally Davis
Aug 11 2016
they are all crazy but maybe useful