Two $35 million Park Upgrades Have Been Unveiled in Northwest Sydney

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Two highly-anticipated multi-million-dollar park upgrades have been unveiled in Northwest Sydney.

Addressing the rising needs of the region's rapidly evolving suburbs and growing communities, the exciting projects aim to give residents top-quality open space recreational areas and parklands that they can access and enjoy well into the future.

Two $35 million Park Upgrades Have Been Unveiled in Northwest Sydney

Members of Galungara Cricket Club with official party at Galungara Reserve Opening
Members of Galungara Cricket Club with the official party at Galungara Reserve Opening.

The official openings of the improved parks in Schofields and Grantham Farm allowed locals to explore newly landscaped parklands and playgrounds that have come to fruition as the result of multi-million-dollar investments by the NSW Government in association with Blacktown City Council.

Blacktown City Council, along with the NSW Government, is determined to provide the very best infrastructure to serve the needs of their residents in the rapidly developing suburbs such as Grantham Farm, Schofields, Riverstone and Marsden Park.

The development in the suburb of Grantham Farm included the construction of water retention basins, cycleways, pathways, playgrounds and landscaped open space in two reserves that make up the Edmund Street Basin Precinct. The Precinct also provides environmental stormwater management and flood protection and is a habitat for native wildlife.

Galungara Park in Schofields had $10 million invested in its upgrade, providing much-needed amenities for families, school children and sporting groups, plus a playground and landscaping.

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Paul Scully, confirmed that the NSW Government has committed over $18 million for the two projects. “These excellent projects are key examples of delivering critical infrastructure to the North-West Growth Area,” Mr Scully said. “... these projects will accelerate the delivery of more than 2,700 homes in Schofields and the newly established suburb of Grantham Farm.”

Minister for Local Government, Ron Hoenig, added that this is one of the fastest-growing parts of Sydney with young families increasingly calling the area home. “I am pleased to see Blacktown City Council and the NSW Government work together to deliver these significant projects to help future-proof the growing population within the Blacktown LGA.”

Official ceremonies at both openings began with ‘A Welcome to Country’ and ‘Smoking Ceremony’ including the unveiling of commemorative plaques, and residents were invited to celebrate the auspicious occasion and be among the first to test-drive the new facilities.

Both projects were built with funding from the NSW Government’s Accelerated Infrastructure Fund and developer contributions administered by Blacktown City Council.

Northwest Sydney Park Upgrades Snapshots

Edmund Street Basin precinct
• A new playground
• Stormwater drainage line and open channel
• Stormwater basins to temporarily store, clean and release stormwater, pollution traps and large rain garden
• Pathways, extensive landscaping and open space
• Road construction work on Canterbury Street.
• Tree planting
• Total project cost - $26.63 million
• Blacktown City Council total contribution - $10 million (developer contributions)
• NSW Government Accelerated Infrastructure Fund contribution - $16.63 million

Galungara Park

Galungara Park
Galungara Park

• Stage 1 - car park and park interface with the adjoining Galungara Primary School
• Stage 2 - sports field and surrounding landscaped areas
• Stage 3 - amenities building including seating, playground and leisure recreation areas, tree planting, feature rain garden and landscaping works
• Total project cost - $9.15 million
• Blacktown City Council's total contribution - $7.5 million
• NSW Government Accelerated Infrastructure Fund contribution - $1.65 million

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