Hoyts Junior Movies (3-6)
- Toddlers
If you dread the school holidays with every fibre of your being, you're not alone! Trying to find activities for the kids when they're bouncing off the walls is every parents' worst nightmare. Why don't you take them to the movies? A friendly, non-parent might ask. Taking kids to the movies during the school holidays is a fantastic idea in theory, but comes with the additional stresses of worrying about disrupting fellow movie-goers with meltdowns, popcorn being thrown around and screaming matches between siblings. Enter Hoyts Jnr.
Hoyts Jnr is a dream come true for any parent who has experienced a nightmare excursion to the movies. Hoyts Jnr is the only dedicated cinema programme for families with preschoolers (aged 3-6). Hoyts Jnr regularly screen all the latest kids movies during the school holidays and the best part is that the movies are played in specially-reserved kids' only cinemas - goodbye scornful looks from annoyed patrons!
Hoyts Jnr offers exceptional value for families with a flat ticket price for all. Sessions generally screen every Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday mornings.
Check the website for the cinema and session time nearest you.
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