Elizabeth Farm

Want to experience history rather than just read about it? At Elizabeth Farm – Australia’s oldest surviving homestead – you can wander freely through the old house and garden as if you were its original occupants. There are no barriers, locked doors, fragile furniture or untouchable ornaments in this unique, ‘access all areas’ house museum. Perfect for curious children! Have fun in the garden playing quoits, a popular 19th-century game. Make a mini greenhouse to take home, or step back in time to experience what it was like to do the laundry the old-fashioned way – by hand!

Elizabeth Farm
Elizabeth Farm

Connect with local First Nations history through the Tony Albert/Dharug-designed ‘memory exchange’ activity. Designed to complement Healing land, remembering Country, this activity allows you to reflect on the experiences and stories of the children in Governor Macquarie’s Native Institute.

Free entry. Open Friday and Saturday and daily during school holidays, 10 am - 4 pm.

Location: Elizabeth Farm, 70 Alice Street, Rosehill NSW 2142.

ellaslist Opinion: This is a lovely place to spend a couple of hours out of Sydney. Why not leave the car at home and catch the Rivercat over (it’s a 20-minute walk from the ferry stop)? Elizabeth Farm offers a rare chance for kids to get up close and personal to the artefacts and furnishings in a museum. They also run lovely programs over school holidays like DIY damper and lemonade.

Facilities: Pram access to all areas except kitchen and cellar. The kitchen can be viewed from the doorway. There are tea rooms which have plenty of kid-friendly options and lots of lovely shade trees for a picnic. There are no baby change facility but toilets (including disabled) on site.

Getting There: Catch a Rivercat or train – check 131500.com.au for more info. If driving, the farm is approximately 30 minutes by car from the centre of Sydney. Parking is available on Alice Street.

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