Sydney City Farm Orchard Opening

  • Sat May 29 2021
  • Family
    All Ages
  • FREE

Earlybirds and green thumbs will love this free community event. Sydney City Farm, an inner-city agriculture project nurtured by the City of Sydney, is celebrating the opening of its urban orchard this weekend! It's a new space to learn about growing fruit trees, vines and berries in our city.

The unique farm in Sydney Park will showcase urban agriculture displays and help kids can get hands-on with potting up a plant to grow at home. You can take a tour of the orchard and farm site, chat to volunteers about getting involved, learn about sustainable food production and create an upcycled plant label from a silver spoon.

Where: Sydney City Farm, 52 Barwon Park Road, St Peters
When: Saturday 29 May | 9:30am - 11:30am
Cost: FREE

Find out more at Sydney City Farm.

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