Einsteinz Online Music Lessons (6mths-5yrs)
- Tue Apr 14 - Fri Jul 03 2020
- Mums & Bubs
Preschoolers - $0.00
Due to COVID-190, all of Einsteinz Music classes are being delivered online.
Online classes are very interactive and numbers are limited so that the teacher can connect with each of the participants. Siblings are welcome to join at no extra cost. And even if you have not done an Einsteinz Music class previously, you will be able to join in.
The classes are high-energy, engaging and the teachers (professional musicians), play all the music live.
Parents are prepared in advance about how to gather at-home instruments from household objects.
Call 0431338143 or email [email protected] to enquire or enrol.
Where: Online
When: There are holiday classes daily (14 – 24 April) and Term 2 will be online (Mon 27 April – Fri 3 July).
Cost: Holiday classes are $15 per class, pre-booked and pre-paid
For more information call 0431338143 or email [email protected] to enquire or enrol.
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