Early Childhood Music Classes at Penrith Conservatorium (18mths-5yrs)

  • Mon Oct 15 - Wed Dec 12 2018
  • Toddlers
  • From: $160.00

Kickstart life with music! Penrith Conservatorium's specially crafted music lesson offer fun and musical learning for children aged from 18 months to five years.

Bounce, clap, wiggle and boogie your way to a musical life! Their much loved Music for Toddlers courses are a superb way to introduce your toddler to all things musical. In these fast-paced, play-based sessions, your toddler will be introduced to the three areas of musical readiness – singing, rhythm and listening, which prepare them for future development and lifelong learning.

Children can begin in the program from 18 months of age and must be accompanied by an adult because we know you, the parent, are their most important teacher in life.

La La Lambs (18mths - 3yrs)
Through instrument play, singing and dancing, our La La Lambs class concentrates on the development of language, rhythm and motor skills of your little one. Using word play, rhyme and song, your lamb will love the age appropriate finger coordination activities, instrument play and story time in line with a strong focus on basic rhythmic concepts.
Where:     Penrith Conservatorium, 597 High Street, Penrith
When:      Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 23 October - 12 December 2018; 9.30am & 11.30am
Cost:        $160/term

Funky Monkey's (3-5yrs)
The Funky Monkeys class allows your preschooler to utilise their natural curiosities to explore the world of music. Through imaginative play and active listening, your funky monkey will be introduced to more complex music concepts and forms which consequently will build on their learning.
Where:     Penrith Conservatorium, 597 High Street, Penrith
When:      Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 23 October - 12 December 2018; 10.30am
Cost:        $160/term

FREE TRIAL CLASS: Wednesday 17 October 9.30am

For more information, visit the website.

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