Australia❜s First Toy-Swapping App Launches In Time For Keep Australia Beautiful Week
- Mon Aug 19 - Tue Dec 31 2019
- Toddlers
Family - $0.00
Toy waste is a serious problem, as so many toys are unrecyclable and therefore end up in landfill! Our kids play with their favourite ones for a while and then either grow out of them or just move onto a new object of affection. One day it’s a plastic dinosaur, then the battery-operated cars, and then only their wooden rocket ship matters. We can’t keep up!
In a bid to reduce toy waste, one toy at a time, Australia's first toy-swapping app Loopd Kidz will be launching on 19 August during Keep Australia Beautiful Week. This amazing, sustainable initiative will motivate your kids to swap the toys that just don’t spark joy anymore for some other child’s pre-loved treasures. Win-win!
Loopd Kidz is a social venture that prides itself in engaging, educating and empowering Australian children through the free app that fosters eco-responsibility and community relations. But it's not just the toy swapping itself that makes Loopd Kidz special. Kids receive feedback on the number of toys they have saved, and earn points and badges for doing so. Parents have complete visibility and control over the process.
We think it is a simple but effective way to empower and educate children on how their actions impact on the environment.
To find out more about Keep Australia Beautiful Week, visit the website.
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