CityDays Sydney Scavenger Hunts

  • Family
    All Ages

Ever dreamt of unlocking Sydney's secrets? Dive into a captivating journey with CityDays Sydney Scavenger Hunts, where clues sent to your phone guide you through Sydney's iconic streets and hidden gems. 

CityDays Sydney Scavenger Hunts

CityDays Sydney Scavenger Hunts
Experience Sydney like never before, unlocking its mysteries one clue at a time.

See Sydney in a new light! CityDays offers immersive urban adventures that encourage you to discover different parts of Sydney. Along the way, take optional breaks at some of the city's finest pubs, bars, and coffee stops. Discover amusing and fascinating facts about Sydney's past and present, making memories with friends, family, or colleagues. 

Opt for classic treasure hunts and scavenger hunts that use puzzle-filled directions to guide players to exciting new sights, or immerse yourself in a story trail where you play the main character!

Make It a Race or a Leisurely Day Out

Feeling competitive? Race to the finish and aim for the leaderboard. Or, if you're in the mood for a relaxed day, take your time, solve the clues, and soak in the city's charm. The adventure is tailored to your pace. 

Ready When You Are!

CityDays Adventure Map
Embark on your CityDays adventure and explore Sydney's hidden treasures.

Available every day, you can dive into the scavenger hunt within just 5 minutes of booking. For businesses looking for a unique team-building experience, corporate bookings are available. 

Ready for an unforgettable Sydney adventure? Book your CityDays tickets now!

Interactive Urban Adventures in Sydney

There are three different hunts to explore different areas of the city:


Hunts start at $30 per person. For detailed pricing and special offers, visit the official CityDays website. 

For more details and to embark on your adventure, visit CityDays Sydney Scavenger Hunts.

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