Darling Quarter - Online Kids Yoga Classes

  • Kids

Everyone wants to give their kids the best start in life. Yoga helps toddlers and kids connect with their bodies, breath and minds, promoting positive body awareness, focus, compassion and individuality.

At Darling Quarter, their weekly pre-schooler yoga sessions are going online! The 30-minute sessions will be held on Monday mornings at 10am and be led by DeeDee – a qualified yoga instructor who specialises in children’s yoga.

The classes are tailored for pre-schoolers, aged 2 to 5 years, but is also suitable for primary school-aged children.

All you need to join is: a device/TV with WIFI, yoga mat or a comfortable surface, towel or blanket and a small cloth to throw for some fun exercises!

When:       Monday mornings at 10am, from Monday 6 April, 2020
Where:      YouTube - visit the website for the link
Time:        Class will start at 10am

For more information, please visit the website. or follow @darlingquarter 

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