Clovelly Splash Swim Classes
- Mums & Bubs
Clovelly Splash Swim School is a private swim school in Clovelly concentrating on quality instruction and small class sizes for kids aged between 20 months and 7 years.
The Clovelly Splash Swim School is an AUSTSWIM accredited, fun and friendly swim school specialising in Learn To Swim classes. As a family owned and operated business, they know what families want and need. Children need a fun learning environment that fosters encouragement and feelings of success. Warm water is essential to relax frightened children and enable them to learn to swim. Their pool is heated to 32°C and salt chlorinated, meaning they can run more consistent lower chlorine levels, which is less harsh on the skin, hair and swimwear.
Their teaching philosophy focuses on swimmers learning how to achieve basic swim skills with good technique. They understand parents want their children to be safe in and around the water and we believe that small class sizes help swimmers of all ages to achieve learning outcomes in less time.
They have introduced an innovative learn to swim program with 4 skill levels. The program focuses on the early development of fundamental skills and safety that enables the students to become competent swimmers.
Learn to Swim
Starfish - Beginners/Water Confidences
This level is for total beginners - no previous swimming class, or for kids transitioning from classes with parents in the pool to classes with only teacher in the pool. Children learn to float on their backs and dog paddle unaided with their faces in the water. Starfish level is all about learning to be in the ” big pool” without mum and dad. It’s a gentle learning experience for children to learn about water safety, taking turns and getting confident in how their body works in the water at this age.
Age- 20 months + (max 2 pupils per class)
Seahorse - Beginner strokes
Overarms are introduced (no side breathing yet) and kicking on their backs. Gradually the children are introduced to moving through the water in a streamlined position and learn strong flutter kicks on their front and back.
(max 3 pupils per class)
Stroke Correction
Stingray - Intermediate strokes
Freestyle breathing and backstroke are taught. Butterfly and breast-stroke kicks are introduced. Stingray level focuses on alternate freestyle breathing and improving their freestyle and backstroke timing technique over 10 metres.
(max 3 pupils per class)
Dolphin - Advanced Strokes
All strokes are developed and strengthened, turns and finishes of each stroke is introduced to further enhance their swimming techniques and to prepare them to move to larger pools.
(max 3 pupils per class)
Classes are $29/class/child.
For more information, visit the website.
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