Free Movies At Federation Square

  • Fri Jan 15 - Sun Mar 28 2021
  • Teens
    Parents Only
  • FREE event, booking not required

As part of the epic Fed Oasis, the big screen at Fed Square is lighting up this summer with a stack of classic films for you to kick back and enjoy! The best part? They're all completely free—saving you more money to put towards an in-square food delivery from one of the nearby restaurants. 

80s lovers—you're in luck! The remaining roster of movie showings looks like this: 

28 February - Rocky
14 March - The Goonies
20 March - Little Shop of Horrors
21 March - The Karate Kid
27 March - Stand By Me
28 March - Labyrinth

With plenty of comfy seating in the shape of beanbags and deck chairs, alongside lots of shaded areas, Fed Square is the place to be until March 31st! 

Where:       Federation Square
When:        Friday, January 15, 2021 - Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Cost:          FREE

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