Brisbane Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

  • Wed Jan 13 - Mon Mar 01 2021
  • Kids
  • See website for cost

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is known as the ‘gentle art’, as unlike many martial arts, no striking is involved. 

BJJ is a ground-based self-defence system and is effective for those of all strengths and sizes. If you’re considering enrolling your child in martial arts classes, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a great choice.

Training at Brisbane BJJ can help children to improve their fitness and stamina, increase their self-confidence and improve their focus, all while having heaps of fun in their special children’s martial arts classes!

The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes are held throughout the week with options for Gi, No-Gi and children’s only classes. 

Where:      21 Bishop Street, Kelvin Groove
When:       Term 1 enrollments now open
Cost:         See website for cost

For more information, please visit BJJ's website.

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