A Night at the Museum at Queensland Museum Kurilpa
- Fri Apr 12 - Fri Jul 12 2024
- Preschoolers
All Ages - $48 per adult, $20 per child

If you're a family of museum lovers, you can't go past the chance to visit a cultural city icon after dark. A Night at the Museum is back with exclusive after-hours access to Queensland Museum Kurilpa, where you can get involved in an inspiring range of activities for the whole family.
During these exclusive events, you can expect to explore:
- Ignite your curiosity with exclusive access to SparkLab.
- Get ready for an immersive adventure with after-hours access to Jurassic World by Brickman®, the largest LEGO® brick exhibition in Australia.
- Unleash your inner palaeontologist in Dinosaurs Unearthed: Explore Prehistoric Queensland.
- Witness an extraordinarily biodiverse display of insects showcased in The Butterfly Man of Kuranda: The Dodd Collection until 14 April 2024.
- Look closer at six-legged superheroes in Insect Agency until 7 July 2024.
- Explore Queensland’s distinctive environments and animals in Wild State.
Events and Activities - Friday 12 April 2024
- Learn about native animals with the team at Geckoes Wildlife, who’ll be presenting live animal shows throughout the night.
- Check out presentations by Dino Encounters, where you can meet Rusty the 14-foot-long Raptor, along with baby dinosaurs and their keepers.
- Listen to First Nations storytelling and cultural knowledge with Tribal Experiences.
- Create your own origami dinosaur and get your face painted at drop-in activities.
- Enjoy live science experiments in SparkLab.
For more information and to book your tickets, visit the website.
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