Six of the Best Screen Free Ways to Entertain Kids While Dining Out
- Family

By Lenore Pearson, ellaslist explorer
Tears, tantrums, flying cutlery and smashed plates while trying to decide on the perfect meal at a lovely family restaurant, only to quickly choose the first thing you see resulting in indigestion after rushing your meal down in between getting up from the table 20 times….sound familiar?? I learnt very quickly to always be prepared when dining out with kids. Below is a list of tried and tested screen-free ways to entertain your kids while dining out, all of which can easily fit into a handbag!
1. The Drawing Game
This game can be played with three people. The first person draws a funny face and folds the piece of paper over and passes it on to the next person who draws a body. They fold the piece of paper over again and the third person draws the legs/feet. The piece of paper is then unfolded to reveal a crazy creature.
2. Conversation Cards
These are such a great idea. A set of table topic cards with questions to encourage conversation and interaction. A card is read out and each person takes a turn to answer. A wonderful selection of Table Topic Cards can be purchased here.
3. Coloured Pencils and Small Colouring Book
This is always a life saver. A small colouring/drawing book with pencils
will keep the kids entertained long enough for their meal to arrive. You may find that many child friendly restaurants already have these available.
4. Small Travel Games-
There are so many wonderful travel sized games available, small enough to fit in a handbag. These are a selection of travel games that are popular with my kids.
5. Hang Man/Eye Spy-
You can’t go past the classics. Hang Man and Eye Spy are always the favourites.
6. The Dot Game-
This was always one of my favourite games to play as a kid. All you need is a piece of paper and pen. Draw up a 10 by 10 dot grid and take turns to join to dots, ultimately trying to create a box which you claim by writing your initials inside. The person with the most completed boxes in the end is the winner.
Hello! My name is Lenore, proud mumma to three gorgeous kids, amazingly awesome wife to one cool dude and self-professed travel addict! I started out my career as a primary school teacher for five years, which, second to having my own kids, was extremely rewarding for me.
While I was pregnant with baby number 3, and slowly going insane pacing (waddling) up and down the house, I felt I needed to keep my mind active and decided to take up a Diploma in Travel and Tourism, because I clearly wasn’t going to have my hands full enough with three kids!
I am all about exploring. For me, living a full life is about collecting amazing experiences from as many incredible places as possible. Travel and adventures fuel my imagination and I love sharing them in the hopes of inspiring the explorer in each of us! Along with my family, I have been fortunate enough to have discovered lots of places already.
I am super excited to be an ellaslist Explorer, aiming to provide very real and practical information for families looking to create their own adventures and experiences. I am forever researching new and exciting things to do with the kids and I look forward to sharing them with you.
I have also just launched my own travel blog ‘Little Miss Piggy’ a treasure trove of travel inspiration and unique experiences in and around Sydney and abroad.