Coder Academy Spring Holiday Program 2018

  • Mon Sep 24 - Fri Oct 05 2018
  • Kids
  • $140.00

Accelerate your kids' coding knowledge & experience this Spring school holidays in Melbourne's CBD with one of the amazing programs at Coder Academy. Explore the latest digitech toys while learning essential 21st Century skills.

Your kids will learn and have fun with Coder Academy's fabulous school holiday programs. Whether they are interested in coding, game design, VR or wearables, Coder Academy have a program for you! Watch them transform from technology consumers to technology creators. Highly trained staff will provide kids with a range of experiences designed to fire their passions and ignite their creativity.


Monday 24th September - Code Your World 1.0
Unlock a digital world full of possibilities with code! Learn the languages of the web - Javascript, HTML and CSS - and create an interactive webpage on a topic of your choice. This workshop is perfect for beginner coders. Ages 10-18.

Tuesday 25th September - Create 3D Assets for VR
Create a virtual world and immerse yourself in it! Use Maya, an industry-leading software, to create 3D interactive experiences. Develop your own 3D assets to be placed inside a VR (virtual reality) game! Ages 10-18.

Wednesday 26th September - Animation
Do you love all things animation? Discover both traditional and modern animation styles in this workshop with Adobe Animate - learn character design, create your a flipbook and play with motion cycles! You'll also have the opportunity to learn how to use a Wacom tablet. Ages 10-18.

Thursday 27th September - App Development
Using the programming language Android, you will develop your very own mobile app! You will learn how to design the app, create multiple screens and customising it with your chosen theme and images to make it dynamic and engaging.By the end of the day, you will walk away with your very own app for an Android device! Ages 12-18.

Monday 1st October - Immersive Robotics
Inspire yourself with the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Create, construct and code - bring Alpha One, Cozmo and Sphero robots to life using basic programming skills! Ages 8-12.

Tuesday 2nd October - Game Development & Character Design
Jump onto Unity, the ultimate game development platform, and code your own game! Create sprites in Piskel, an online editor for pixel art, at the beginning of the workshop and deploy the character into your game. Ages 10-18.

Wednesday 3rd October - Create VFX in Film
Get your imagination run free! Direct and produce your very own short film. Take it to the next level with VFX (visual effects) that you'll be designing in Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Effects. Ages 10-18.

Thursday 4th October - Code Your World 2.0
Elevate your digital knowledge! Make a webpage with Javascript with interactive menus, quizzes, chatbots and even create a moving graphic with physics! Ages 12-18.

Friday 5th October - Create a 3D Platformer
Using pre-built assets, create a 3D platformer in Unreal Engine 4, the same game development engine used to make the latest hit - Fornite!

Where:     13/120 Spencer St, Melbourne
When:      24 September to 5 October 2018
Cost:        $140 (plus GST) per workshop

For more information, visit the website.

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