NumberWorks’nWords: Maths & English Tuition Specialists

Help boost your child’s confidence and improve their academic results with NumberWorks’nWords specialist academic tuition.

NumberWorks’nWords offer maths and English tutoring at five tuition centres across Melbourne, and can help bring out the best in your child. Their specialised tutoring is tailored to the needs of each child.

From students who are struggling to keep up, to those bursting to get ahead, NumberWorks’nWords  tuition programs are designed to meet each child’s specific needs, build their learning confidence, and improve their school results. Their expert tutors support students to overcome academic weaknesses and get ahead with their learning. Their approach to learning builds confidence, changes attitudes and delivers results. Curriculum based programs, which cater for all levels from Prep to Year 10, are tailored for individual needs. They set goals for your child, monitor progress and provide regular progress reports. Best of all, the lessons make learning enjoyable for children.

Their Mission:

  • To put the fun back into maths and English
  • To be specialists in maths tuition and English tuition
  • To treat children as individuals with individual needs
  • To complement the maths and English they are learning at school
  • To help build children’s confidence and show them that they can conquer maths and read for pleasure

NumberWorks’nWords isn’t just for students who aren’t performing well in maths and English; they also work with high achievers. Whatever level your child is at, their individualised approach to learning needs will bring out your child’s true potential.

Book a FREE assessment and introductory lesson for your child! Whether you decide to start NumberWorks’nWords tutoring or not, getting your child a maths assessment and/or English assessment will provide you with valuable information. You’ll find out: your child’s strengths and weaknesses, gaps in your child’s knowledge, and suggested strategies for progress.

School Holiday Programs are offered at many locations to give children a jump-start for the upcoming term – just contact your local centre for days and times.

Click here to contact your local NumberWorks’nWords directly, or visit their website.

