How To Stay Connected, Stream More And Save Money!
- Parents Only

Coronavirus has created an unprecedented crisis. However, this crazy time has brought with it some positive byproducts. There’s a new appreciation for those little things we have taken for granted, and we realise how much we miss our family and friends when physical contact is taken away from us. We've had to find new and resourceful ways to keep in touch and stay connected, and that virtual togetherness releases our happy hormones! Video calling apps like Zoom and House Party are facilitating everything from staff meetings and Friday drinks to family dinners and birthday parties.
It’s not just our personal connections that have gone cyber. Social distancing has sent almost everything into the digisphere - our work, education, exercise, shopping and recreation is all online. Movie and TV streaming has reached new heights of importance and where would be without social media memes?
But there is one crucial element that you need to make all this happen. Data. During this crisis, we need effective solutions to be able to stream more, stay connected and save money.
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